Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

1. I can officially never live outside of the eastern time zone. I’m in Chicago for work this week, and on Tuesday, when I arrived, I sat through a very frustrating two hours of traffic to go the mere 15 miles from the airport to my hotel. I couldn’t wait to check in, pick up some dinner, and watch New Girl. But no, out here New Girl is on at 8. How do people handle having “prime time” TV start at 7 pm?? Who is settled and ready to watch TV by then? East coast forever.

2. When I’m traveling for work, I have a tendency to eat as if I’m on vacation. Deliciously bad things all around. I may do a post about eating my way through Chicago if I have enough decent photos to share.

3. I’m not cut out for city living. I can’t handle not being able to just jump in the car and easily park wherever I need to go. Relying on cabs or subways, or paying exorbitant parking fees, makes getting around so much more difficult.

4. It is nice to have a bajillion food options within a 5 minute walk though. Within two blocks of my hotel I could probably get any type of food I could possibly want. On second thought, it’s probably best that I don’t have that option at home. I find enough ways to shove food in my face as it is.

5. I love king-size beds. I try to get one every time I stay in a hotel and I love all the extra space. I think if I ever get married, a king-size will be a must.

6. Why do hotels always have the most terrible water pressure? I’m lucky enough to not have to wash my hair every day, but when I do, it always feels like I never quite get all the shampoo and conditioner out. I miss my shower at home.

7. Kanye West is the WORST. The worst. I actually think he’s a little mentally unhinged.

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